Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Wyze’s New Subscription Plan Keeps Your Video Going for $1.49 a Month

A Wyze Cam and a Wyze Cam Pan 2 facing each other.

Wyze, the company behind the best and cheapest Wi-Fi cameras on the market, is taking the wraps off its first subscription service today. For $1.49 a month, Wyze Cams gain continuous recording, as opposed to limited 12-second clips. You can also try the service for free for two weeks before committing—no credit card required.

We love the Wyze Cam and the Wyze Cam Pan. The list of Wyze products we love doesn’t even stop there. The company’s business model of high-quality products at cutthroat prices is just among the many reasons we believe Wyze is poised to take over the smarthome world.

If Wyze cameras have one weakness, though, it’s recording limits. When a Wyze Cam detects motion, it starts recording and then stops after 12 seconds. And then it enters a five-minute cooldown period before it will record again. That’s a large gap where anything can happen.
You can get around the problem by adding a MicroSD card to the camera, but what if it’s stolen? Wyze’s new Complete Motion Capture subscription addresses that scenario.

For $1.49 per month per camera, Wyze Cam v2 and Wyze Cam Pan will ignore the recording limit. With the subscription, a Wyze Cam will start recording when motion is detected and continue until the motion stops. No 12-second limit, no cooldown period. And you have access to the video in the cloud for 14-days.

Compared to Nest Aware’s minimum pricing of $5 a month for five days of history, Wyze is a bargain–doubly so when you consider that a Nest Camera typically costs $200 to Wyze Cam’s $25 pricing.

Wyze will continue to offer its free tier of service with the current limits of 12-seconds and five-minute cooldowns, and you can continue to use a MicroSD card for continuous recording. But if the thought of losing the video if a thief steals your camera bothers you, this subscription looks like a great answer.

You can sign up today on Wyze’s website, or through the Wyze app (available on iOS and Android).

from How-To Geek

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